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Ticket booking made easy.

Sole project
Project length: 5 weeks
Project Vision
TICKETweb is an app that includes all local theatres in the region. The app is designed to create a more seamless and less tiring movie booking experience for its customers. People like to watch movies from the best seat, which often are gone if you’re too late to get to the theatre. This app will help busy users book and reserve movie seats in advance so they don’t have to waste time waiting in lines at the theatre.
1) Provide a seamless booking and purchasing experience.
2) Create an accessible design to make the application more user-friendly.
3) Provide users with new and improved features.

To kickoff this project, I started out with my own research first and asked myself key initial questions to truly understand the best approach in my design process.

How helpful are
online movie
booking tools?

Who are the
primary customers
to be targeted?

What are the
primary users
looking for?

Who are the
main competitors
being faced?
72% of moviegoers who found the showtimes online completed their purchase on the same platform.
64% of moviegoers provide comfort as a major factor when buying movie tickets online.
I found conducting interviews and creating empathy maps to understand the users the most effective. A primary user group identified through research was busy working adults who enjoy going to the movies in their free time and want a quick and easy way to reserve the best possible seats without having to waste time standing in long lines.
This user group confirmed initial assumptions about seat reservation apps, but also revealed other user problems including interests and challenges. I used an affinity diagram to emphasize the user's pain points of Time, Design efficiency, and Comfort. This process helped with figuring out the main challenges that need to be addressed to make the application better.

Meet the Users

Name: Nadia
Age: 35
Occupation: Nurse
Nadia works long hours as a nurse which leaves her feeling tired and exhausted at the end of the day. She still likes to take time out for herself for what she enjoys, and make movie plans with friends. However, most of Nadia’s plans are last minute due to her busy schedule and is too tired to wait in lines at the cinema. Considering Nadia is not too tech savvy, she needs a way to reserve seats online without getting lost in the purchasing process.

Name: Matthew
Age: 19
Occupation: Full-time Student
Matthew is a full-time university student in his second year. Matthew goes to the movies quite often considering he’s a movie fanatic and knows exactly what movie to watch before going to the cinema. He would love to reserve his seat beforehand, as he doesn’t want to miss all the good seats being taken. Matthew would like to have access to all theatres providing reserved seating to know which one best suits his needs.
Competitive Analysis
I looked at the main potential competitors and my goal was to compare their online purchasing experience as new and returning users with TICKETweb. By having both direct and indirect competitors, the best strategy was to bring products and strengths from each company and integrate them into TICKETweb without overcomplicating the user's selection.
There were several similar features between the competitors, however, the major differences I noticed were:
Cluttered interface vs. minimalistic interface
Difficult vs. user-friendly design
Easily accessible options vs. hardly accessible

After sketching out the initial design of the app on paper, I created digital wireframes that would demonstrate the primary user flow of choosing, reserving, and buying a movie ticket. This step helped a lot in understanding elements that would be well-suited to address user pain points.

I conducted two rounds of usability studies. Findings from the first study helped guide the designs from wireframes to mockups. The second study used a high-fidelity prototype and revealed what aspects of the mockups needed refining. I asked 5 interview questions to 5 different people, and then asked them to complete a questionnaire on their experience of using the app.

Users wanted to be able to explore the app without being bound to create an account first.

My Rewards?
I found most users wanted a way to clearly see their rewards and how it works.

Users wanted to see more accessibility options to make it more inclusive.

Seamless Booking Experience
The main purpose behind TICKETweb was to create an app that would provide a simple and easy booking & linear purchasing experience in under a minute. The users are guided towards screens that give them exactly what they need in order to purchase movie tickets, eliminating complicated steps along the way.
Accessible & User-Friendly Design
A key factor when trying to maintain a user engaged is to provide them with what they’re looking for instead of them trying to find it. With recognizable iconography and intuitive gestures, the user can go from the home screen to any other screen of the application they wish to by just one click. With this feature, TICKETweb has achieved a more user-friendly and accessible design.
New & Improved Features
While most of the movie ticket booking experience is almost the same as on every other application, TICKETweb wanted to introduce new and improved features for users to engage in. The ‘Invite Friends’ feature benefits both ends; users can receive better and quick rewards, and TICKETweb gains more user base and recognition.
As a person who loves to watch movies herself, I really wanted to create an app that is easy and hassle-free so that users can be set for a movie night with just a few taps. While designing the TICKETweb app, I learned that there’s a lot of design aspects that need to be considered when creating the app. However, usability studies and peer feedback are a great way to improve your designs and get first-hand user feedback.
One quote from peer feedback:
"The app really makes it so easy to reserve seats and buy movie tickets quick. On top of that, I can get great rewards from just watching movies!"
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